Adventures in Learning for Adults
Who we are and what we do
The Shepherd's Center-Beachside is one of dozens of Shepherd's Centers across the United States with people putting into action the supportive message of the Twenty-Third Psalm which inspired our name. In the Shepherd's Center, people of all faiths, cultures, and ethnicities work together to help older adults celebrate life in a positive and educational way. The Adventures in Learning Programs help shape a new image of aging for older adults and encourage members to be creative and productive in their later years. The Shepherd's Center-Beachside, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) educational Florida Corporation and an all-volunteer staff dedicated to empowering senior adults in the Brevard County area. We envision a society where older adults of different life experiences and faiths assume a determining role in the definition and quality of their lives. We are adults with wide-ranging interests in art, technology, current events, health and fitness, history, literature, music, religion and science.
Many of our teachers, moderators and instructors are retired business leaders, medical professionals, teachers and those with a passion for a particular subject. They lead peer-to-peer lectures and informal discussion seminars each Thursday and Friday for one hour. There are no tests, grades or educational requirements. Participation is essential, ranging from keeping up with assigned readings to contributing to seminar discussions.
The Shepherd's Center-Beachside is owned and directed by its church sponsors. Without their support, help, direction and dedication to our vision, our Shepherd's Center would not have materialized nor could continue. Our sponsors' main contributions are providing us a facility for each term to offer these classes and advocacy of our program to their congregations. The next time you see the pastor of one of our sponsor churches, let them know how much you appreciate their participation.

Our Participating Churches
Ascension Lutheran Church
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
Holy Apostles Episcopal Church
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church
St. Mark's United Methodist Church