Adventures in Learning for Adults
FALL 2022
9:00 AM
WHAT IN THE WORLD: Robin Cramp has traveled extensively throughout the world and lived overseas giving him a deep insight on how the U.S. is viewed by our friends and foes. His weekly sessions cover current events, and surveys the geographical limitations, political upheavals, and economic struggles of these areas. Robin’s abounding professionalism and his enchanting British delivery causes this class to fill up rapidly.
FLORIDA GARDENING: This semester we will be studying fall vegetables and herbs, container gardening, small trees, invasive plants, and bonsai basics. Plant Questions are always appreciated. After 26 years as a Master Gardener, Jane Mandeville likes to hear about your gardening experiences. Your interest in plants energizes the class.
MAGIC FOR EVERYONE: Tom Sanders is again teaching this class for both beginners and experienced magicians. This class is aimed at anyone interested in entertaining grandchildren and family. The course will cover magic with cards, ropes, coins, and other everyday items. Tom introduces new “tricks” each session so you can learn something new. Please bring a deck of new cards to the first class.
CHRISTMAS FUN: Gnomes are big this year, so they have been added to the make and take Christmas Craft class. Join Nancy Dennee supported by Bernadette Matousek and Margaret Moore to make some cute decorations, some repeat favorites from past years and some new ones: yarn gnomes, button Christmas trees, decorated Styrofoam balls, cones and mini trees, to name a few. Keep those hands nimble and enjoy conversation like an old-fashioned circle of friends.
INTRODUCTION TO THE SPANISH LANGUAGE: Señora Isabel Ochoa-Youssef will introduce us to easy Spanish phases and sayings in this session. If you are new to this language, this is the session for you. Basic terms such as days, time, counting, food, and travels are a few of the topics Isabel will cover. This term, in our Spanish Made Simple book, we will start with chapter 6 or 7 and review chapters one through five. Copies of this book are available for purchase in class.
BASICS OF PERSONAL FINANCE: This course is designed for those new to investing who would like to more deeply understand some concepts related to budgeting, investing, and planning. Rusty Stuart, financial advisor for Edward Jones, will explore areas many retirees utilize but would like to know more about. His eight-week lesson plan is as follows:
SEP 29 Rules of the Road
OCT 6 Preparing your estate
OCT 13 Stocks: The Nuts and Bolts
OCT 20 Ready or Not? Preparing for the Unexpected
OCT 27 Focus on Fixed Income
NOV 3 Retirement by Design
NOV 10 An Investors Tour of Mutual Funds
NOV 17 Tax Free Investing
10:00 AM
THE SCIENCE OF MATTER: This entertaining DVD course is taught by a Professor of Chemistry at Cleveland State University. The study of matter has led directly to such inventions as new fabrics for clothes, powerful chemicals for medicine and industry, and semiconductor circuits for computers. Starting with the fundamental components of the universe, matter and energy, the course moves to atoms and the different ways they bond to each other, forming molecules and other compounds. The course moderator is Tom Sanders
19th CENTURY BRITISH LITERATURE: Join Leslie Johansen as Professor Emeritus, John Sutherland of University College London takes us on a trip through 19th Century British Lit. This course consists of lectures and discussions on the development of the novel. Topics to be covered will include:
George Eliot - Middlemarch
Thomas Hardy - Jude the Obscure
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - The Red-Headed League
Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness
Oscar Wilds - The Importance of Being Earnest
George Bernard Shaw - Pygmalion
Virginia Woolf - Mrs. Dalloway
E.M. Forster - Howard’s End
GENTLE YOGA: Jim and Mary Ann Loafman have been a team for over 50 years and return with their very popular classes. This session consists of gentle stretching and breathing exercises (no headstands) and finishing with 15 minutes of relaxation. Goals are to become more flexible, relaxed, and centered. Every part of your body will be used from your head to your toes.
CHAIR YOGA: Mary Ann and Jim Loafman are certified Yoga instructors since 1988. This session is for those who do not feel comfortable or able to do floor exercises. The exercises are gentle and enable students to relax and become more flexible. Bring a big smile and enjoy a lovely time.
KNITTING: Come enjoy some conversation while knitting or crocheting. We will also try to throw in some new techniques such as making cables, adding beads or felting. Join Shannon Miller for this hour of fun while learning something new.
CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH: Señora Isabel Ochoa-Youssef will offer, using various modalities such as talking, reading, and writing, experiences that will help you master and speak basic and intermediate Latin-American Spanish. Spanish has become the second language of many Americans especially here in Florida. Some knowledge is almost mandatory in south Florida. You have an opportunity to learn from a native of this language. Isabel suggests purchasing Spanish Made Simple. This term, the class will pick up at Lesson 15. New enrollees are responsible for “catching up” to this point.
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THE SCIENCE OF MINDFULNESS MEDITATION: This course is a continuation of study of the science behind meditation as the path to well-being. In recent decades, modern science has dramatically confirmed what advanced meditators have long claimed—that meditation, correctly practiced, offers deep and lasting benefits for mental functioning and emotional health, as well as for physical health and well-being. The many practical benefits of meditation include
marked and lasting reduction of stress
increased ability to focus and concentrate, as well as clarity of thinking
freedom from detrimental patterns of thought and emotion
increased learning capacity and memory; and
greatly enhanced well-being and peacefulness.
Each class will end with various forms of meditation practice. Come and join Leslie Johansen as we explore this fascinating practice.
BEACHSIDE BOOK CLUB: Jan Case leads this group and invites new members to join all the veterans for a fascinating hour. The group has selected the following contemporary books for the fall term:
SEP 29 Rosemary: the hidden Kennedy daughter -NF by Kate Clifford Larson
OCT 6 The Tuscan Child by Rhys Bowen
OCT 13 The Maid by Nita Prose
OCT 20 Emma by Jane Austen
OCT 27 The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles
NOV 3 The Reading List by Sara Nissan Adams
NOV 10 The History of Love by Nicole Krauss
POSTURCIZE: Learn a fun, simple to do exercise routine that will strengthen your muscles for good posture and improve joint movement. Look and feel great, keep fit, and prevent pain! This session is led by Janet Harazda, a Registered Nurse (FL 936802) and Licensed Massage Therapist (MA24421) specializing in Hoshino Therapy©, a manual technique and body of practical knowledge for the rejuvenation of overused or stressed tendons. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring an exercise mat. This class will only meet the first five weeks of the term!
THE MAGNIFICANCE OF FLORIDA’S STATE PRESERVES AND NATURAL SITES PLUS U.S. NATIONAL PARKS: Let’s go exploring to beautiful places, scenery and waterways through the sights and sounds of our natural surroundings. Let’s throw in some historic content to see how these places and parks came into their existence. Let’s dine in the tropics without leaving our own State. Let’s hear the songs and poems that bring these places to life. We will examine the Cultural Backgrounds of ancient to modern groups who helped form the places of interest which we view. We’ll do it virtually through the classroom with the opportunity to take a few live field trips to some of the places firsthand. For a full Syllabus contact Lee Rosenkranz, CTC (Certified Travel Counselor) by e-mail at floridagreeters@yahoo.com or through the web site-www.dayawaytravelclub.com then hit School. We’ll see you in September!
BEGINNING UKULELE (Ukulele I): Beginning Ukulele will start at the very beginning. Parts of the instrument, some history, how to hold a uke, tuning, strumming, some chords, and several simple songs. Teacher, Linda Paul, will cover techniques to improve as a player and resources. Students should bring pencils and paper; a ukulele and a music stand if they have them. Several handouts will be provided. A few loaner ukuleles and music stands will be available for in class use only, but students are expected to provide their own instrument after the first class. (They need to be able to practice at home.)
THE HISTORY OF RUSSIA: Russian history is particularly pertinent today since many historians believe that a country’s historical experience and development greatly affect its present-day cultural philosophy and attitudes. This course will help you understand how Russia’s past has affected it’s present. We will be using Great Courses lectures by Dr. Mark Steinberg covering Russian history from the time of the Populist and Marxist movements of the mid 19th century to the failed revolution of 1905. Moderator, Jack Blasy, will share some of his experiences and insights from over 40 trips to Russia.
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ZUMBA GOLD WITH RO - EXERCIZE IN DISGUIZE: Join Rochelle Lawandales and find your happy place as you dance your way to fitness, having fun, staying healthy while not even realizing you are exercising! This class is designed for everyone, but primarily those new to Zumba, returning to or starting an exercise program – or just wanting to shake it! Designed for “older” folks – this class will have you smiling and shaking.
iPHONE BASICS: So, you bought an iPhone but really don’t know how to use it effectively. Debbie Olinick will challenge you to learn the basic functions of your iPhone. It is a phone, a camera, a mailbox, a calendar, filing cabinet and a computer all in one neat package. This class is designed to address the topics you are struggling with daily. Debbie promises to keep it simple. You must have an Apple iPhone 7 or newer to use in class.
TRIVIA: You asked, and we brought back this exciting game! Teams will have a great time trying to remember songs from their youth (distant past), and try to answer trivia questions on travel, geography, history, current events, literature, etc. Want to have great fun, laugh, be challenged, and rewarded, then come join the game. Maryann Risi is the moderator for this delightful class.
10:00 AM
HAVING FUN COOKING WITH ROSI: Be one of the twenty people who get accepted for this class. Due to the small size of the kitchen, registration is limited. Rosi Oberlander has traveled all over the world and has accumulated many delightful recipes and culinary tidbits along her journeys. Rosi’s cooking talents are renowned locally and she is willing to cook for us and share her recipes.
BUILDING A NATION: This class will cover the period from the Revolutionary War up to and including the presidency of Abraham Lincoln. The topics to be discussed will be the Great Compromise, the Louisiana Purchase, Manifest Destiny, the War of 1812, the Monroe Doctrine, and discussion of two presidents each week up to the presidency of Abraham Lincoln. Bill Ross will be the instructor, a former history teacher for 40 years.
BEGINNING BRIDGE - THIS IS A TWO (2) HOUR CLASS: Marie Gerlach’s session is for those who have never played or need to relearn a lost skill. PLEASE, this is a class for beginning players, not a place for the experienced to practice. Marie will cover the basics: bidding, responding, making a plan, conventions, and practice…practice…practice!
BEGINNING MAHJONGG: Mahjongg is a tile-based game that originated in China during the Qing Dynasty. It is commonly played with four players, and is a game of skill, strategy, calculation and involves a degree of chance. Judy Carr will be the instructor for this limited size class.
BEGINNING LINE DANCING: Join Vicki Little as she, once again, leads us in the fun and exercise that is Line Dancing. This is a class for both the beginner and the experienced since Vicki introduces something new each week. One of the joys of Line Dancing is it requires no partner, so come join the fun of this low impact exercise.
DIGITAL PAINTING WITH iPad: This class is for beginners who would like to create amazing paintings. No previous drawing or painting skills required. You must have an Apple Pencil and an iPad that is compatible with the Apple Pencil. See information below for iPads that are compatible with the Apple Pencil and the “Procreate App” which must be downloaded to your iPad before the first class. The App is available in the Apple App store ($9.98). There may be other stylus that can be used with the iPad; however, they may not work with the app or the results may be unsatisfactory. A local retailer like Best Buy may be able to advise you. If you have taken this class before, we will be doing different paintings. Questions about requirements? Contact Nancy Williamson at nwilliamson9@cfl.rr.com.
11:00 AM
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY: Nancy Dennee is back in a new role! Now, she will conduct this three-ring circus of games. Rummikub, Dominoes and cards are some of the games from our past times that can once again be enjoyed. Do not delay since class size is limited and it fills up quickly. Come join the fun - let’s do it again!
(Continued from 10:00)
BEGINNING BRIDGE - THIS IS A TWO (2) HOUR CLASS: Marie Gerlach’s session is for those who have never played or need to relearn a lost skill. PLEASE, this is a class for beginning players, not a place for the experienced to practice. Marie will cover the basics: bidding, responding, making a plan, conventions, and practice…practice…practice!
LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL CURRENT EVENTS: As a former history and civics teacher, as well as a championship Florida high school football coach, Mike Vogt blitzes the classroom with his arsenal of knowledge about local, state, and national events that shapes the week. He will begin the class discussing beachside current events and moving on to state and national news. Occasionally Mike will detour off on that dreaded p-word (politics). Class participation is highly encouraged!
QUILLING: Jeanie Grabka will be introducing us to a new art form - Quilling, which is the art of rolling narrow pieces of paper, forming shapes, and gluing them closed. The shapes are then put together to make earrings, greeting card, pictures, or mobiles. The class will make several projects; your imagination is all that is needed. Bring a small pair of scissors and a 12" ruler. Paper, quilling tool and glue will be provided.
IMPROVER/INTERMEDIATE LINE DANCING: This class is mainly for those folks with skill levels well above “Beginners.” However, Vicki Little want you to know all are welcome. This session takes the joy of Line Dancing to another level with our resident “pro” Vicki, leading the way. Come join us and have FUN!
CIRCLE OF LIFE: NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE: Candace Drake began teaching in the spring session about her Near-Death Experience and the eternal life we all strive to experience. The problem is, since we know little about death, we fear it. Candace leads her class in conversation using materials she developed to aid in understanding of transition from the physical to the spiritual.
In her second session she focuses on her own personal NDE and her introduction to her second soul. She states, “I knew something strange was happening in life, so I begin to keep a journal of the present happenings coupled with previous life events. I also began reading and listening to videos of others who had NDE. I wanted to understand what I knew.” So come and join Candy in what will be an interesting conversation.