Adventures in Learning for Adults
9:00 AM
WHAT IN THE WORLD: Robin Cramp (bio) has traveled extensively throughout the world and lived overseas giving him a deep insight on how the U.S. is viewed by our friends and foes. His weekly sessions cover current events, and surveys the geographical limitations, political upheavals, and economic struggles of these areas. Robin’s abounding professionalism and his enchanting British delivery causes this class to fill up rapidly. Even if you do not take this course, see Robin and sign up for his monthly newsletter on current world affairs.
YOGA AT DAWN: This is a gentle yoga class with mindful movement, breathing, and meditation to calm the mind and body while improving flexibility and strength. Think of it as a mini vacation from everyday life, a gift you give yourself. Comfort and relaxation are key in this class and your personal modifications are welcome. Only a yoga mat or blanket are required. Yoga blocks can be helpful. Our newest instructor, Dawn Tepperman, (bio) will be guiding you through this rewarding class.
CRAFTY CORNER: Join Bernadette, Margaret, and Nancy (bio) as UFOs and WIPs are part of the plan for Crafty Corner this session. What, you ask? UFOs are those UnFinished Objects and WIPs are Works in Progress. So, if you have projects you started but never finished, doesn’t have to be from a previous class, please join us. Perhaps you inherited a partially completed craft from a beloved relative. Maybe there’s just a project you’ve always wanted to try but needed some guidance. So, nothing new, well, maybe one squeezed in, so come join this friendly group of crafters for some conversation while getting that unfinished object completed or changing that WIP to a completed one. If you have a UFO or WIP and have a question about its appropriateness before you bring it to the first class, feel free to contact Nancy before classes start at ndennee67@gmail.com. Also, feel free to contact her with a heads up about what you didn’t finish at a previous class or missed and regretted.
BASICS OF PERSONAL FINANCE: This course is designed for those new to investing who would like to more deeply understand some concepts related to budgeting, investing, and planning. Rusty Stuart, (bio) financial advisor for Edward Jones, will explore areas many retirees utilize but would like to know more about. His lesson plan is as follows:
APR 4 Rules of the Road
APR 11 Ready or Not? Preparing for the Unexpected
APR 18 Stocks: The Nuts and Bolts
APR 25 Creating your estate plan
MAY 2 Focus on Fixed Income
MAY 9 Health care and your retirement
MAY 16 Outsmart the scammers
10:00 AM
THE SCIENCE OF MODERN PHYSICS: This entertaining DVD course is taught by a researcher from Fermi Labs. In the course, the lecturer will cover most all the topics of Modern Physics from Relativity to Quantum Physics to the Universe. In all the lectures, he will concentrate on HOW we know that these theories are correct. Of course, we will also discuss current topics in science as they come up. The course moderator is Tom Sanders (bio).
FLORIDA GARDENING: This semester we will get ready for spring gardening. Florida's Arbor Day is in January, so it’s a good time to consider planting a Florida native tree. Cool temperatures may have done damage to your tropical plants, and they may need to be trimmed or replaced. Bring your gardening questions. This is an interactive class with Jane Mandeville (bio), a master gardener with the Department of Agriculture.
INTRODUCTION TO THE SPANISH LANGUAGE: Señora Isabel Ochoa-Youssef (bio) will introduce us to easy Spanish phases and sayings in this session. If you are new to this language, this is the session for you. Basic terms such as days, time, counting, food, and travels are a few of the topics Isabel will cover. This term, in our Spanish Made Simple book, we will start with Chapter 12. Copies of Spanish Made Simple are available for purchase in class.
KNITTING: Come join Shannon Miller (bio) and a great group of ladies knitting and chatting! Update your knitting skills, if necessary, and have fun! Crocheters are also welcome.
POSTURCIZE: Learn a fun and simple exercise routine that will strengthen your muscles for good posture and improve joint movement. Look and feel great, keep fit, and prevent pain! This session is led by Janet Harazda (bio), a Registered Nurse (FL 936802) and Licensed Massage Therapist (MA24421) specializing in Hoshino Therapy©, a manual technique and body of practical knowledge for the rejuvenation of overused or stressed tendons. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring an exercise mat.
11: 00 AM
CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH: Señora Isabel Ochoa-Youssef (bio) will offer, using various modalities such as talking, reading, and writing, experiences that will help you master and speak basic and intermediate Latin-American Spanish. Spanish has become the second language of many Americans especially here in Florida. Some knowledge is almost mandatory in south Florida. You have an opportunity to learn from a native of this language. Isabel suggests purchasing Spanish Made Simple. This term, the class will pick up at Chapter 37. Some Spanish background is required as new enrollees are responsible for “catching up” to this point.
S.S.S. (Strength, Stamina and Stability): Join Wendy Simpson (bio) to improve your overall fitness. Simple movements like marching will get the blood pumping and strength exercises will build muscle endurance and strength. Also included will be exercises to improve your balance and stretches for the entire body. Most of the class can be performed in a chair, if needed.
BEGINNING UKULELE (Ukulele I): Karen Enderle (bio) will lead participants through their first steps of their ukulele adventure. Participants will be taught some history, the parts of the uke, how to hold the uke, tuning, strumming, basic chords and simple 2 and 3 chord songs. The focus will be on using proper basic techniques and developing the groundwork to promote improvement.
Participants should bring a smile, their ukulele, a tuner, pencil, a 1 inch 3 ring binder with paper, and a willingness to learn to play and sing to each class. All learning materials will be given by email. Participants must print them, put them in their binder, and bring them to class. Participants should be willing to practice at least 15 minutes per day to master the lessons. Class prerequisites include a valid email address and the ability to print lesson materials delivered by email.
INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ADVENTURES (AND MISADVENTURES) Part III: Do you have a serious case of wanderlust? Whether you are an independent, group or armchair adventurer, come and enjoy! A couple travel junkies will share experiences on how to save money, stay safe and have the adventure of a lifetime. Each class will focus on a different destination. The spring lineup includes Thailand; Oslo, Norway; Beijing & the Great Wall; Paris & Normandy; China; the Cathedrals of Europe; Japan and Portugal. In addition, information will be provided on “Travel Hacks” (air tags, home exchanges, mobile passports, google flights, jet lag, car rentals, credit cards, insurance, currency exchange, etc.). The presenters are academic colleagues and bring very different approaches to travel. Stan Helm spent eleven summers teaching graduate courses in China and has traveled worldwide. Bob Cox is the retired director of Webster University’s Melbourne campus, an adjunct for Barry University and has enjoyed many international adventures.
CREATIVE WRITING: Stephanie Andrews returns with her fascinating session on how to improve your writing skills. Stephanie is more than qualified to lead this class. She has been past president of Seaside Poets, author of first published book, “Memories of Wine & Poetry,” scriptwriter-cast Pigeons Picasso, Associate-John Campbell School, Associate-Atlantic Center for the Arts, and other literary activities. Join her class to partner with other writers, stretch, search, and solve the reason of words.
12: 00 AM
BEYOND BEGINNER UKULELE (Ukulele II): Karen Enderle (bio) will continue to lead participants along their ukulele journey. Participants will review and expand upon ukulele I basics. The focus will be on using proper basic techniques and developing the groundwork to promote improvement. Major keys, associated chords, chord variations, chord patterns, strums, beginning finger picking, and a bit of music theory for the ukulele will be covered. Participants will improve their own abilities as they learn to play, sing and listen to each other as they play. Each participant will choose a song – any song they want – to memorize and sing (alone, duet, trio or group) on the last class day open mic.
Participants should bring a smile, their ukulele, a tuner, pencil, a 1 inch 3 ring binder with paper, and a willingness to learn to play and sing to each class. All learning materials will be given by email. Participants must print them, put them in their binder, and bring them to class. Participants should be willing to practice at least 15 minutes per day to master the lessons. Class prerequisites include ukulele I (or a basic knowledge of chords and strumming) a valid email address and the ability to print lesson materials delivered by email.
BEACHSIDE BOOK CLUB: Joanne Birnberg (bio) leads this group and invites new members to join all the veterans for a fascinating hour. The group has selected the following contemporary books for the winter term:
SPRING 2024:
APR 4 The President is Missing, Bill Clinton and James Patterson
APR 11 Day, Michael Cunningham
APR 18 The Art Thief, Michael Finkel
APR 25 Absolution, Alice McDermott
MAY 2 Beloved, Toni Morrison
MAY 9 Death Comes to the Archbishop, Willa Cather
MAY 16 The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho
BEGINNING FRENCH: This new class and new teacher will be taught by
Danyele Murchison, with over 20 years of French teaching experience, born and raised in France. “At the beginner level, I will emphasize simple conversations. Everyone will be encouraged to participate. It will be fun and lively. Homework will be given at the end of each class. No book required. Please bring a notebook and pen reserved for your French lessons.” Welcome to Shepherd’s Center Danyele.
9:00 AM
JESUS’ BIBLE II: THE BIG, BIG STORY CONTINUES - A Survey of Jesus’ Bible: We continue where we left off last term in 165 BCE with the rededication of the 2nd Temple. We will move through the intertestamental period into the time of Rabbi Joshua (Jesus). We will examine the Gospel of Matthew to see how the Lord lifts up and configures 14 Old Testament Narratives. The first course IS NOT a prerequisite for the second. This time you will need a Bible to follow along. Jesus’ Bible: the Big, Big Story II involves a survey of world history and its impact upon the ‘people of God’. More importantly, it will survey the interplay between the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and Jesus’ mission and ministry. Ideally, we will demonstrate how and why Jesus is the fulfillment of the Hebrew Bible AND why the BIG, BIG, STORY is also your story. Join Pastor Rob Cosmas (bio) for this exciting adventure.
TRIVIA: You asked, and we brought back this exciting game! Teams will have a great time trying to remember songs from their youth (distant past), and try to answer trivia questions on travel, geography, history, current events, literature, etc. Want to have great fun, laugh, be challenged, and rewarded, then come join the game. Maryann Risi (bio) is the moderator for this delightful class.
BEGINNING BRIDGE - THIS IS A TWO (2) HOUR CLASS: Marie Gerlach’s session is for those who have never played or need to relearn a lost skill. PLEASE, this is a class for beginning players, not a place for the experienced to practice. Marie will cover the basics: bidding, responding, making a plan, conventions, and practice…practice…practice! Note: There will be no class on 3 May.
POSTURCIZE: Wake up and warm up your tendons with Posturcize™. Easy, fun, and essential stretches to prepare you for your day and help prevent injury. Janet Harazda (bio) has been teaching and benefitting from Posturcize™ since 1990! No need for any equipment.
10:00 AM
MAHJONGG FOR BEGINNERS and INTERMEDIATE PLAYERS: Mahjongg is a tile-based game that originated in China during the Qing Dynasty. It is commonly played with four players, and is a game of skill, strategy, calculation and involves a degree of chance. Beverly Sheffer, Sally Dunn and Judy Lukeman will host this two-hour class. New players will be given specialized attention to learn the game while the more experienced players will play independently. You are encouraged to bring your own Mahjongg cards.
HAVING FUN COOKING WITH ROSI: Be one of the twenty people who get accepted for this class. Due to the small size of the kitchen, registration is limited. Rosi Oberlander (bio) has traveled all over the world and has accumulated many delightful recipes and culinary tidbits along her journeys. Rosi’s cooking talents are renowned locally and she is willing to cook for us and share her recipes.
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR: This session will look at the events that shocked the world as the Thirteen Colonies defeated the super European power of Eighteenth Century England. We will discuss the events leading to the war, the important leaders of both sides, the major battles, and the outcome. Bill Ross, a retired history teacher of forty years, will be the instructor for the class.
BEGINNING LINE DANCING: Join Vicki Little as she, once again, leads us in the fun and exercise that is Line Dancing. This is a class for both the beginner and the experienced since Vicki introduces something new each week. One of the joys of Line Dancing is it requires no partner, so come join the fun of this low impact exercise
(Continued from 9:00)
BEGINNING BRIDGE - THIS IS A TWO (2) HOUR CLASS: Marie Gerlach’s session is for those who have never played or need to relearn a lost skill. PLEASE, this is a class for beginning players, not a place for the experienced to practice. Marie will cover the basics: bidding, responding, making a plan, conventions, and practice…practice…practice!
THREE TIMES THREE: Join Candy Drake (bio) as she relates to you her multiple near-death experiences (NDE) and how earth changes and humankind are so intertwined.
In Candy’s words:
My classes are called: 3 x 3. Originally this title had to do with my three transitions in this lifetime and my desire to understand how life and Earth change or tied together in human duality. In this semester classes will focus on how and why the linear equation 3 x 3 equals 9 is so meaningful at this time and place of Earth Change. The Number nine means Change and new beginnings. And on February 7, Melbourne Florida experienced an Earthquake. Number seven is a perfect number for this kind of Earth change because it means a completed cycle and is the emblem of the totality of space and movements in the universe. My classes this semester are about how Earth Change and Human are tied together. My teachings start from the beginnings of Human involvement on Earth and focus on the Ancients who knew a great deal about how and why Earth Changes and how that change effects humankind. The bio section for this semester explains how my classes will teach these ideas and how they are meaningful to Earth Change.
My classes are student focused and include printed lesson plans which increase student learning and offer students an easy way to continue to think about the ideas presented in class.
11:00 AM
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY: Whether you started playing games as a child with your family or finally have the time and desire to try something new, come join us for games. There’s something for everyone: card games of every sort or board games such as Rumikub, Dominoes, or Qwirkle. Want to teach everyone your favorite game? We’re open to that as well. Do not delay since class size is limited and it fills up quickly. Come join Nancy Dennee (bio) for loads of fun.
LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL CURRENT EVENTS: As a former history and civics teacher, as well as a championship Florida high school football coach, Mike Vogt (bio) blitzes the classroom with his arsenal of knowledge about local, state, and national events that shapes the week. He will begin the class discussing beachside current events and moving on to state and national news. Occasionally Mike will detour off on that dreaded p-word (politics). Class participation is highly encouraged!
LINE DANCING – HIGH BEGINNER/IMPROVER: This class is a follow-on to our beginner class. High beginner adds different steps and Improver is just a little harder. If you are a beginner, you should be able to keep up with us. Don’t let it scare you – Vicki Little wants you to know Everyone is Welcome!
(Continued from 10:00)
MAHJONGG FOR BEGINNERS and INTERMEDIATE PLAYERS: Mahjongg is a tile-based game that originated in China during the Qing Dynasty. It is commonly played with four players, and is a game of skill, strategy, calculation and involves a degree of chance. Beverly Sheffer, Sally Dunn and Judy Lukeman will host this two-hour class. New players will be given specialized attention to learn the game while the more experienced players will play independently. You are encouraged to bring your own Mahjongg cards.