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Adventures in Learning for Adults
JANE MANDEVILLE (Florida Gardening) claims her hometown as Woonsocket, Rhode Island, which is the northernmost city in the state against the Massachusetts border. Her future husband, Moe, and she grew up there. Jane attended Mount Mercy College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and furthered her education by taking classes from Rollins College on site at Patrick Air Force Base. Moe was a 21-year career serviceman; he and Jane lived the nomadic life of the U. S. Air Force by living in Ohio, Indiana, four times in Florida, Massachusetts, and England. Jane's library and debate skills from high school helped pay my college tuition. Later she ran a pre school for 3-5 year olds in England, and a thrift shop for the military. Her parents owned two publications that provided her writing skills through her teen years and later part time as a book reviewer. Her other work opportunities included dental assisting and a Kindercare attendant for two years. Jane took Master Gardener training in Florida 25 years ago. Jane's four daughters kept beckoning her and Moe to return "home" to Florida. They finally landed after Moe's retirement from the air force. Jane's hobbies are vegetable gardening, Bonsai, and reading. Jane has been teaching gardening classes since Shepherd's Center -Beachside's inception 17 years ago and attendance is filled to capacity each term.
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